Tuesday, March 30, 2010


One of the interesting things about being in the fashion business is attending the parties!
Ok, so San Diego is not one of the fashion trend-setting cities, but honey, when we dress up...WE DRESS UP! Well, maybe not the guy on the right but, guess what, he designed all the "goth" jewelry the others in this picture are wearing. I loved it! Some of the trends that were WOW:
  • Lots of flower jewelry
  • Pastels and black together
  • High, high and I mean high heels
  • Full short skirts with lotsa toile!
It was not just a young crowd; the women pictured here were beautifully embelished in feathers and bling and looked like a million bucks and what fun they were having strutting their stuff!

This women was so exotic and of course she loved our jewelry. The piece she is wearing in the picture looked like it was made for her. Everyone stopped to admire her. Check out the details of this gold mother of pearl and gold pearl necklace on our website. ($300)

This is Alexandra Rosa, Executive Producer and co-host of Art Rocks! Talk Show, "Where art, fashion & lifestyles collide." She interviewed me for her show, I'll let you know when it airs...
Don't forget, we add new pieces to the website daily and if you order something and decide it's not what you wanted, we'll take it back, no questions asked.
or call us toll free 877-435-6444
or come visit us at the shop:
1136 Loma Ave. Suite 203
Coronado, CA 92118

Thursday, March 4, 2010

My New York Times Debut in the Retirement Section!

It's sometimes hard to believe I am retirement age! I know all of us baby boomers who are in our sixties struggle with the whole concept of aging. I still think of myself as just another woman who finished menopause and had a little face work but still certainly not old!
So, when I was asked to be in an article about my local gym for the NY Times I, of course, thought it would be in the Health & Fitness section, at the least, but NOOO...not the Fashion or Style section, either, but the RETIREMENT section! And certainly not wearing some cute outfit and the cool jewelry from my shop but ,of all things, my gym clothes!
Ok, another wake up call!

If you're interested in reading the article here's the link:

If you're not interested in reading the article, check out my website to see some really cool jewelry instead!

And so it goes,

The Betsy Girls shop till they drop at d Forsythe Pearls!

Wow, what a night! These amazing executive women in the cable industry dropped by our shop last week and it turned into a magical party of soul sisters.

Grace (back row, far right) was the first to find us and brought all her "sisters" by later. We now have Grace's quote on our quote board - "If you can't hide it...decorate it!"  And boy, did they!

Thank you, new friends, for sharing your laughter, warmth and money with us!  And come back soon - we'll feed you better next time - promise. Wine and nuts for dinner isn't quite good enough for our special guests.

By the way, just to let the rest of our clients know, we're always ready for a jewelry party, just let us know in advance and we'll have plenty of drinks, snacks and "consideration trays" for all of you!

Lily,(third from the left) just to remind you of the pieces you left on your tray, here's the necklace no one could believe you left behind... it still has your name on it. Hurry and call us now 'cause everyone has seen it!

                              Golden Jade ring $95

                                                              Carved Jade necklace $175

And just a reminder, we can be reached at:
our shop address is
1136 Loma Ave. ste 203
Coronado, Ca. 92118
                                                 Come see us ya'll!